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Integrity Express Logistics

Company: Integrity Express Logistics
Contact: Cameron Garfield
Address 1: 4805 Independence Pkwy., #101
City: Tampa
State: FL
Zip Code: 33634
Country: USA
Phone: 951-834-3126
Web: Http://
Description: The companies we work with range from those with very small LTL based shipments to companies that are producing hundreds of loads every week. We ship everything from metals and lumber, to cardboard and plastics. We move just about any commodity possible, whether our customer needs a dry van, refrigerated trailer, or flatbed, we can arrange it. We work 24/7/365 days out of the year. We work with over 100,000 loads annually, 3,000 + customers, 50,000 + carriers, and have over 400 employees in 7 different locations.